Our Service
Our business has been built around the idea that bringing great meat to your table should be simple – from start to finish. Below we’ve outlined just how easy the ordering process is so you get exactly what you want with as little hassle as possible.
When it comes to your meat or our service, we want to keep things as fresh as possible. Our weekly Saturday/Sunday delivery schedule means you’re not stuck with freezer burnt meat while providing you with flexibility to eat what you’re taste buds are craving each week.
To keep things consistent, we use a point system. Each box option provides you with a different amount of points to use. Each of the cuts we offer are assigned a point value. Simply add the cuts of your choice to your order until you’ve used all your points.
1|Enter Your Postal Code
The first step is providing us with your postal code. This ensures you’re in an our delivery service area before you start selecting products so there’s no nasty surprise when you are looking to check out.
2| Choose A Box​
Choose a box that provides the amount of points that fits your family’s appetite for the week. You’ll want to select a box with more points for larger households, bigger meat cravings, or if you have a soft spot for those rarer cuts.
3| Customize THE Box
Choose from a wide range of prime, locally sourced products to add to the order. Simply select the cuts you want to receive for the current week until the total point value of the selected items reaches the point limit of the box you chose.
4| Checkout & Free delivery
Finalize your order and payment, and select a delivery date. We deliver on Saturdays and Sundays. Just note that the order cutoff day for delivery on any given weekend is the preceding Tuesday. So ensure you place your order before that date.
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Vel vestibulum phasellus elit pellentesque etiam elementum dictum integer orci maecenas id metus aliquam, tincidunt sit varius quis justo tempus id amet fermentum cursus.
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